在此篇文章的评论区中,俨然成了对中国游客的批斗大会,老外们不仅历数中国游客的不文明行为,各种偏见更是充斥其中。有人声称中国人直到最近才让婴儿使用纸尿布,成人随地大小便也就不足为奇。其中一名美国网民,竟公然炫耀曾在土耳其旅游时对一名中国老妇(old Chinese lady )动粗,得意地总结道“她再也不敢(插队了)”,一种居高临下的优越感油然而生。
@Shelbycobra美国:我常去国外旅游,学会了如何对待中国游客,特别是大型旅行团里的中国游客。直直的盯着他们的眼睛,走到他们中间,把他们打趴在地,即使那是位老太婆。这样他们才会懂。你不这么做,那你就乖乖站后边,让他们占你便宜插队。之前,我曾在土耳其打趴了一为中国老妇,她想插我的队,之后她再也不敢了。(原文如下:I've traveled abroad extensively and have learned how to treat Chinese tourists, especially the large groups. Look them right in the eye, walk right into them and knock them down, even the old ladies. That's what they understand. If you don't you better just stand back and let them take advantage of you. I knocked an old Chinese lady down in Turkey who ran under me to get at the head of a line. She didn't try it again.)