本帖最后由 张铨之 于 2016-2-4 19:23 编辑
大连地铁1号线(Line1):乘客您好,欢迎乘坐大连地铁1号线列车,本次列车开往姚家站,前方到站,大连北站。:Welcome to the DALIAN metro Line One,this train is bound for YaoJia station,the next stop is Dalian North Raliway station.大连北站车站就要到了,请下车乘客提前做好准备,从左侧车门下车。Your attention please,we are now arriving at Dalian North Raliway station,please get off on the left after the platform screen doors open.大连北站车站到了。We are now at Dalian North Raliway station.
大连地铁2号线(line 2):乘客您好,欢迎乘坐大连地铁2号线列车,本次列车开往会议中心车站,前方到站,青泥洼桥。Welcome to the Dalian metro line two.This train is bound for Convertion Center.The next stop is Qing Ni Wa Qiaostation.青泥洼桥车站就要到了,请下车乘客提前做好准备,从左侧车门下车。We are now arriving at Qing Ni Wa Qiaostation.Please prepare to leave the train.青泥洼桥车站到了。We are now at Qing Ni Wa Qiaostation.
大连快轨3号线(line 3):乘客您好,欢迎您乘坐快轨列车,本次列车开往金石滩方向,全程48公里,途径开发区,保税区至金石滩车站,前方到站,香炉礁车站。The next one is Xiang Lu Jiao station.香炉礁车站就要到了,下车的乘客请做好准备。(即将到站没有英文)香炉礁车站到了。Xiang Lu jiao station is here.
大连快轨8号线(line 8):乘客您好,欢迎乘坐快轨列车,本次列车开往旅顺新港方向,全程40.38公里,途径龙王塘,旅顺,至旅顺新港站,前方到站,黄泥川站。黄泥川站到了,下车的乘客请做好准备。(英语报站无语)